Welcome to PJ & Amanda Westlund's House Project. This is a step by step look at the process of going from the old family homestead to our new family home.
The pictures shown above are of last summer and the construction of our pole building. The pole building now stands where the old homestead used to be. It was pretty amazing seeing it go up. We are thankful for all the people who helped out during this project, especially Phil, Larry, Eugene and Louie. Benjamin also tried to be a big helper...he loves helping out his daddy, grandpas and great grandpas! =)
The above pictures are from last spring, from the old homestead before it was knocked/taken down. It was really interesting because I'm told that the bricks were hand-made from the clay in the area by PJ's relatives and some of the bricks are now still in usable condition. What's really neat is that some of the bricks still have visual fingerprints imbedded in them. We plan on using the bricks that we've saved for something decorative for the house. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.
Hello! My name is Mrs. Westlund! A little info. on me: I have been teaching for 14 years, 12 of those here at OLL, and 6 years here at Kindergarten! I have been married to my best friend for 9 years, we have one beautiful little boy who is 7 years old and loves being daddy and his grandpas' little helper. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, spending time outdoors and singing. We have three pets: Copper, our German Shepherd; Cocoa, our German Shepherd puppy and Kitty, our 4 yr old cat.